Job & Training Events

New Job & Training Event

The Job & Training Events board is used to promote locally-available training, job fair, and info session events that are less than one year in duration. Only authorized representatives of the organization offering this opportunity should be using this form. If you have questions about using this form or need to edit an existing training opportunity, please contact



Which company/organization is providing the opportunity?

    2Basic Info

    The title, description, and URL so learners can find your opportunity.

    How can people find out more about your opportunity?


    When is your opportunity?

    Less than one day.
    Less than one week.
    Less than two weeks.
    Less than one month.
    Over one month.
    Is this a recurring event?

    4Additional Details

    Everything the learner wants to know first.

    Job Fair
    Info Session
    In person
    A mix of both
    Formal training certificate.
    Non-credentialed training program.
    Post-secondary certificate.

    Formal training certificate

    A third-party assessment of an individual's level of knowledge or proficiency in a certain industry or profession. They are granted by authorities in the field, such as professional societies and universities, or by private certificate-granting agencies.

    Ex. Forklift operator license, Smart Serve certification.


    Micro-credentials are rapid training programs offered by postsecondary education institutions.

    Non-credentialed training program

    A program of structured training or instruction that does not lead to the attainment of a formal qualification or award, for example, short courses, product-specific training and industry- or organization-specific training.

    Ex. Professional development workshops, LinkedIn workshop, Time Management course.

    Post-secondary certificate

    Certificates offer short-term learning that prepares you for work in specific occupations. Certificates can:

    • take one year or less of full-time study to complete
    • need some high school studies for admission
    • sometimes be transferred as earned credit or used for admission to a diploma program

    Ex. Nurse Practitioner certification, CAD Design program

    5Tag Your Opportunity

    Adding occupations and skills will make your training opportunities more discoverable across our website.

      Opportunity NOC Tags
      Select: TEER Category:

      The National Occupation Classification (NOC) is Canada's national system for describing occupations. Learn more about the NOC system.

      Help Us Serve You Better

      We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.

      Your Age: